What a roller-coaster year this has been so far. Born in India, I'm what one may call a true blue Delhite. Never been out of the city for more than a month at a stretch, and that also always on a vacation. And suddenly Anshu got a job in UAE and my life changed completely.
From staying a stone's throw away from my parents house, I moved thousands of kilometers away. Till then I had never looked after Aanya single-handedly. Always had a host of people to look after her. I realised that now my baby is only my responsibility. What a terrifying thought. What if I can't look after her? What if I spoil her? What if she's not happy here? The list of "What if's" was endless.
But what I had apparently forgotten while this entire gamut of emotions was going through me was my dear loving hubby. Unlike for me & Aanya, for Anshu it was just not about settling in a new place, but also joining a new workplace and excelling here.
While in India, we both were working and jointly sharing the responsibility of running the household. But here all responsibility was Anshu’s alone. Plus he had to ensure that both Aanya & I were settled comfortably. Obviously he had not counted on the tantrums that we regularly threw ;) but that's just the way we were.
We reached UAE on August 10 and within a few days admitted Aanya to a playschool. And then started "Mission House Setup". From buying furniture to electronics, it was so much fun. Going from shop to shop and finalizing things :) Soon after Anshu enrolled me to a driving school. He himself did not apply for a license but insisted that I learn driving first as it'll make me independent. And I managed to get my license in the very first attempt - a rare feat in this part of the world.

As winters approached the weather improved and it became easier to move around. When we had arrived in UAE, the weather was so unbearable that it was next to impossible to move out. But with the change in weather we started exploring the country with new friends – Amit, Sharmila, Madhu, Priya, Achal, Deepanjan & Jhumsum and of course the kiddos Vedant, Tamanna & Cherag.
Beaches, barbeques, desert safari, cruise… we had so much fun and more importantly my baby was so happy. She was thoroughly enjoying the new place. Of course we missed India, but thank god for Skype that we were constantly in touch with family back home.
My parents, Dadi n sis came to visit us in Jan this year. The weather at that time was awesome and we explored all places of visit mentioned in the UAE tourist guide :) From Burj Khalifa to Atlantis, from Dolphin show to Dhow cruise, I made sure that the trip was a memorable one for my family. After all Dad was taking this long break after 10 years and I wanted him to have the best time.
It’s been 10 months now and we have settled in completely. Aanya has finished her playschool and has joined Kindergarten at one of the best schools in UAE – GEMS Millennium. She loves going to school after all Vedant & Tamanna are also in the same school. She is also learning swimming & Karate and is having a wonderful time.
Soon Aanya's summer vacations will start and we’ll go back to Delhi for 2 months. Can’t wait for the break and meet my parents and family. Here’s wishing the “RAY FAMILY” Happy Summers!