That day is already here! Monday, April 4, 2011 was my big girl’s first day at playschool. Somehow I thought that I would have a lot of time before my baby has a life out of our sphere.
It seems like moments ago that I was reading up on becoming a new mommy. Then one day I realize its time for my baby girl to start her playschool. And I was running from stores to stores (of course making Anshu crazy in the bargain, but I’m sure he too was lovin it!) to find that perfect dress she will be wearing on her first day of "big" school.

I was sad and happy at the same time, it is a weird feeling, almost a milestone that she isn’t a baby anymore, she is growing up. Despite my mommy nerves the day before about sending Aanya to playschool, everything went really well – for all of us :)
It was a big day for all of us and Nani dearest even went the extra mile to do an Ardas for Aanya at our Gurudwara in the morning. Nanu & Sabu Maasi too got ready in the morning to bid her goodbye for school. And then it was time to head to school. And accompanying us to school were daddy dearest and Aanya’s favorite Dadai.
My little angel looked perfect in her papa’s arms wearing a pretty pink top and denim skirt with cute little pink sandals at her dainty feet. With matching clips, cute little Hannah Montana bag and bottle (courtesy her favourite Sabu Maasi), it took her all of about 30 seconds from walking in to acclimatizing and starting to play. My little bird is spreading her wings.

Of course, daddy had to take a few pictures to document the morning.